Credit goes to vmsimscreations for converting these first to sims 3 and which I used to make these. The anvil works as a woodwork desk so you can have your blacksmith build items too. Here's a few blacksmith's essential items like forge, anvil and bellows converted from The Sims Medieval. My Sims 4 Blog: Victorian Gingerbread House (Base Game no CC) by SIMplicity.

Old Victorian Manor - The Sims 4 Catalog.

Victorian Style CC & Mods for The Sims 4 Listed - SNOOTYSIMS. Sims 4 Victorian Era CC: Clothes, Furniture & More – FandomSpot. Sims 4 Toddler Clothes Pack Once a Toddler ages up (whether through time or whether because you manually gave the order), they will jump into child age. Explore Sims 4 CC's board "Sims 4 girl Child clothes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about sims 4, sims, sims 4 children. › Course Detail: Show All Course › Get more: Courses Queen Charlotte II was the first female monarch by birth right in the Norman Kingdom.

I try to keep it Maxis Match and reblog content I find mostly historically accurate. I have a background in costume design and love costume history, so I enjoy historical sims clothes. simsfromthepast - Posts tagged 1890sHi! This is where I reblog historical CAS CC for Sims 4 and share my own creations too.The Sims 4 Sensible Victorian Girls Dress by Anni K Available at Historical Sims Life DOWNLOAD ID: SC4-161027 Category Tags: Clothing, Fashion, Girl's Dress, Female, Child.

Sensible Victorian Girls Dress - The Sims 4 Catalog.